Saturday, April 30, 2005

{A Lifetime...}
5:02 a.m.

You know how some people have lists on everything that they want to do before they die? I've just decided that I want to do something like that. So this section of my blogs is for that. All my desires. Well the ones that mean the most anyway. I'll proabably add more when I think of them.

~Time Intentions~

9. Dance at night in a gazebo covered in lights.

8. Go roof hoping.

7. Plant a garden.

6. Have family photo taken with everyone in it.

5. Experience night life in the city of lights.

4. Sit on the roof on a dark clear starry night and watch the sky with a loved one.

3. Swim outside beneath falling water.

2. Sit amongst fireflies.

1. Pass away in a beautiful place.




A crazy girl that's always into mischief with one foot on the ground, the other taking a step forward and her head forever up in the stars.

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